Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mission 2012 - Guardian

This is my 4th year collecting guardian stamps
Quite fun
Like giving a mission and you have to complete it within a stipulate duration
Really have to thanks my uni lecturer, my friends and my dear's friends
They really helped me a lot
Without them my mission won't complete
4 years (Foundation + Degree) life almost finish
Perhaps everything go smoothly i can grad in about 1 month time
Pray hard 
Hope everything sun sun li li!!
This is the 40 stamps~~
My foundation's mission:
Year 1:
Year 2 (Redeemed 2):
Year 3:
I tot of redeemed the limited edition trolley
But 50 stamps needed
I'm too late to start collecting the stamps 
a bit regret..haha
But really really need to thanks my dear for traveled all the way from
Finally get this one
All outlet out of stock
After he travel so far
Bring back this
Famous “鸭腿面” 
from Bidor
Fried Banana
from Tapah
It cost RM7 each
Quite expensive for me but it worth!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ipoh Mari, Ipoh-Ipoh Mari

After finished my Advance Tax midterm test
I went Tesco with my besties for Sushi and Shopping
Damn tire
Keep feel blurrrrrr when i walked around
Once I get back straight ly on my bed
But it was too hot I not able to have a good nap
Just ly for awhile then get up to online, did eyebrow shaping and bath le
Kinda rush to prepare myself
One hour really not enough for me
About 5.30pm we start our journey~~
IPOH!!!Here we come
We went there for
Kenny Rogers having promotion now
1/4 quarter chicken + 3 sideline + 1 Muffin + roast lamb only RM30++
Quite worth to have it
U can share with your friend
One person only RM15++
This is the brochure
After dinner we went for a walk
My favourite place at Jusco
Because it was the place usually I get my magazine
March copy finally release
After bought everything
Is time for movie again
John Carter here we go
It was a nice movie
Quite worth to watch also
 This is the synopsis of John Carter:
Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, who is in desperate need of a savior.......
Finish movie we ciao back to Kampar again lu
Tire but enjoyable day for me

My dearest 2387 Housemate
2 more months to go gonna leave Kampar dy
Leave this house, housemate and beautiful scenery
 Appreciate every moment to be with you guys
Friendship forever!!!
Love ya

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 2012 - Birthday Week + Tualang trip

There are many people have their birthday on March
No doubt
My house got 3
Yen Qin (7/3)
My dear(10/3) 
What a busy month
All midterms coming together also
I need to enjoy to the fullness
Because my this is my last semester in UTAR
Really need to balance between study, work and play
and appreciate every moment that can be with my friends
Besides, we also have our dinner at Tualang
Four years in Kampar
This is my first time
4 of us going together
Thanks Yen Qin (driver), Dear (Boss) and Zai De(cameraman)
After the dinner~~

Looking forward for our:
The Voice Sing K session
Sungkai trip

Friendship forever
Miss ya!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lee Hom 《火力全开 MUSIC-MAN II》3/3/2012 大马演唱会

This was my first time going to concert
Really very excited
Somemore is LEE HOM!!!
On 3/3 we travel from Kampar-KL-Seremban-KL-Seremban
Keep traveling here and there
Quite tire but enjoy

  Lee Hom's concert really very awesome
Just a simple stage he can made a lot of effect
He is very handsome, cute, talented, kind-hearted person
He made my cried in his concert

 Really worth to go for his concert
But the duration was too short 8.30-11pm only
I wish he can organize another concert in future by make it 5-6 hours
Really not enough
Miss his songs
Jia You
Keep supporting him!!

Below is the press release i adopted from galaxy group: (in chinese version)

“人妻”Selina擔任“特別嘉賓”,投射在銀幕上跟他隔空對唱《你是我心內的一首歌》,王力宏甚至還在台上發了一個“現場直播”的微博,要全場歌迷陪喊“Saya Cinta Pada Mu”,讓全球宏迷同場見證大馬粉絲們的“火力全開”。
這 場由Xpax與MYEG呈獻、銀河集團主辦的王力宏《火力全開Music Man II大馬演唱會2012》,相隔3年再來馬開唱的王力宏,表示這是升級版的Music Man演唱會,不但音樂、舞蹈升級、甚至連視覺和歌迷也要升級。他坐在白色行星鋼琴上,在498令吉和388令吉票價的座位間繞場演唱4首歌曲,在細雨中 絲毫不怕名貴鋼琴被淋壞,還不時效法女神卡卡站起來彈琴。
王力宏演唱《Love Love Love》時,問說台下誰需要Love時一度“破音”,然後高喊自己很需要愛,讓人不禁聯想起其緋聞女友舒淇主演的電影《Love》。他後來緊接演唱被喻為高唱阿妹的《美》,兩首曲目排在一起,超曖昧的啦!
若 說王力宏上次和自己的3個分身一起組樂團,那他這次則“升級”找來6位分身,陪他一起Aca pe l l a演唱遺珠組曲。演唱《不可能錯過你》時,還特地改唱成“整個M alaysia都在戀愛”,當中還發生他和分身們鬥嘴甚至大搞內鬨的小花絮,但最大驚喜莫過於Selina“突然”出現,在熒幕上以投影方式和他對唱《你 是我心內的一首歌》。
讓 開+火力全開、龍的傳人、十八般武藝、唯一、Dragon Dance、你不知道的事、愛錯、心跳、Love LoveLove、美、Julia、落葉歸根、在那遙遠的地方、蓋世英雄、在梅邊、花田錯、夢想被冷凍+改變自己、竹林深處、愛的就是你+我們的歌+公轉 自轉+不可能錯過你+你是我心內的一首歌、一首簡單的歌、不要害怕、愛,因為在心中、心中的日月、Forever Love+What’s Wrong WithMe。
(安哥)Happy Ending、完美的互動+放開你的心、大城小愛、火力全開

And also the video he posted on Weibo: "Saya Cinta Padamu"